I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying! … MORE

I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying! … MORE
Check out this song called Times Up, after the #TimesUp movement started at the Golden Globes this year.… MORE
Well, I SHOULD have posted yesterday, but I didn’t make it to my 5:30am workout, because I overslept. Funny, I worked at 4:30am for a year and a half and never overslept, but the workouts, my body is like “nah!” So instead, I went today to BurnZone. So last Wednesday, we finally got my heart…… MORE
This Sweet Deal is good for TWO locations!… MORE
Seth stopped by today to talk about his NEW MUSIC he’s got coming out this year, being a new dad of a beautiful little girl named Cora, and how he’s planning on helping out for our Teddy Bear Drive!… MORE
So today is day one of an 8-week session… so naturally, I’m optimistic! … MORE
Tasji’s got new music and a cool new group of people to play music with in Nashville!… MORE
Get your tickets today!!!… MORE
Andy and neighbor Dan have knocked it out of the park again with wild lights that will get you in the Christmas spirit!… MORE
Ring in the new year downtown Peoria with the first ever ball drop!… MORE