Category Archives: Homepage

Riverplex Xtreme: Kristin’s Progress Report 1-23-18

Riverplex Xtreme: Kristin’s Progress Report 1-23-18

Well, I SHOULD have posted yesterday, but I didn’t make it to my 5:30am workout, because I overslept. Funny, I worked at 4:30am for a year and a half and never overslept, but the workouts, my body is like “nah!” So instead, I went today to BurnZone. So last Wednesday, we finally got my heart…MORE

Nash Next Artist to Watch: Seth Coquit- Harvest Sons

Nash Next Artist to Watch: Seth Coquit- Harvest Sons

Seth stopped by today to talk about his NEW MUSIC he’s got coming out this year, being a new dad of a beautiful little girl named Cora, and how he’s planning on helping out for our Teddy Bear Drive!MORE
