Tell us whats going on all over Central Illinois & right here in Peoria. Here’s a few things right here! Or… MORE

Tell us whats going on all over Central Illinois & right here in Peoria. Here’s a few things right here! Or… MORE
This weeks featured Sweet deal is Hungry Moose! It’s back…until it sells out! On sale this Friday right here, plus listen to win Friday too!… MORE
We’ve been talking about a dirty Tupperware hack has racked up millions of views on TikTok, and people swear it works… MORE
This morning we found out, more people say they’re brushing their teeth because their mask has made them realize JUST how bad their breath actually is… MORE
This Morning we asked what type of alcohol were you drinking when you did stupid stuff? Because here’s the… MORE
We found a new survey found the biggest mistakes people make when drinking wine, so in honor of… MORE
The 2020 St. Jude Shrimp and Corn Boil is going to have to be a little different this year. So we will be having a Drive Thru Shrimp and Corn Boil Dinner at HyVee Grand Prairie and… MORE
Do you have a business or event to tell all of Peoria & Central Illinois all about? … MORE
St Jude Runs is STILL going to happen! Join us!
What part of Run Day are you looking forward to the most?!… MORE