When Do YOU Take Your Christmas Tree Down?


I asked this question on air and on Facebook this morning. When do you take your tree down? Really how long is it appropriate to keep it up? I WAS going to take it down yesterday, buuuuut I slept in, read my new book (Lauren Graham’s autobiography, because my friend and fellow Gilmore Girls fan bought it for me for Christmas), and didn’t do much of anything. Except Laundry, I did do ONE load of Laundry so I didn’t feel like I had COMPLETELY wasted the day!

The answers I got on Facebook ranged from Christmas day to people leaving them up until the first weekend in January. I do feel like if your tree is still up in mid-January, that’s a LITTLE long. But I get not wanting to take it down right away. You spent a LOT of time decorating and making it pretty! It’s worth an extra week or two!

What do you think? Add your thoughts to the facebook post!

