Check Out Miranda Lambert’s New Vintage Trailer [PHOTO]


Miranda Lambert has added to her collection of vintage trailers with the recent purchase of a 1961 Shasta Trailer. 

Miranda was already the proud owner of a vintage Airstream that she had restored and custom remodeled by the Junk Gypsy Co. In fact, she used it for the cover of her latest album Platinum and she also hauls it along for concerts and uses it as a backdrop for her meet n greets sometimes.

Last week she posted the picture at the top of this page to her Instagram account with the message: "Newest member of the family! This is Dixie yall! A 1961 Shasta! #glamping #itsthelittlethings #Texasroadtrip"

Maybe she'll put it on the cover of her new album. Or maybe she'll bring it along to shows and we'll get a chance to see it up close in person. One things for sure, it sure is nice to be a big famous country music star ~Matt Hall



Newest member of the family! This is Dixie yall! A 1961 Shasta! #glamping #itsthelittlethings #Texasroadtrip

A photo posted by Miranda Lambert (@mirandalambert) on
