Facebook Fite Theatre: Bodily Functions

Facebook Fite Theatre

*In a fake, British accent*

Welcome to the Theatre of Facebook, where dirty laundry is thrown about the screen and insults fly more often than airplanes at an airport.

*In my normal Kristin voice*

This week, we debuted what is bound to be my favorite segment on this show. We’ve all seen these on our newsfeeds; the oh-so-ridiculous posts that you kind of want to grab popcorn for and watch it all go down. We’ve decided to read some of them dramatically on the air for your audio pleasure! So without further ado, here is the premiere episode of Facebook Fite Theatre!

And if you happen to run across a good one on your newsfeed, take a screenshot and send that baby to us. We’ll change names to protect the innocent but we’ll read it on air!
