Wildfire Concert Series at Wildlife Prairie Park

HANNA CITY, IL – Come check out the Wildfire Concert Series hosting Three and 1 / 2 Men!  Enjoy an evening of live music, food, drinks, and fun at Wildlife Prairie Park! Admission for the event will be $5 at the door.  Located on the West Side property, across from the main entrance to the park. Doors open and concessions begin at 5pm. Bands begin playing at 7pm, the event ends at 11pm.

Need a night out with your friends? Call up a sitter, call your friends and come on out! Every month through October Wildlife Prairie Park will host a Wildfire Concert. On July 15th, featuring Three and 1 / 2 Men, on August 12th, Cusack Bros., September 23rd is The Brazilionaires and October 14th Jammsammich. Come out listen to live local music and enjoy some good food and drinks, while having a good time! We look forward to seeing you! Visit the Park on Facebook or online at WildlifePrairiePark.org for more details.
