It’s time to help kids with cancer while giving yourself a chance to win a beautiful new dream home in Peoria Heights! Tickets for the 2020 St. Jude Dream Home go on sale Tuesday (1/21) at Kroger locations in Peoria and Tazewell Counties. You can also charge by phone at 800-390-3196 or purchase the $100 raffle tickets at dreamhome.org.
This year’s home is different – in an established neighborhood in Peoria Heights. Drive by to check it out at 3122 Samuel Ave. The home goes more “up” than “out” as in previous years’ homes. It’s a 3-story beauty with open staircase and 3rd floor balcony. It’s still plenty roomy with 2,400 square feed, 3 bedrooms and 3.5 baths.

And if you buy your ticket during the first two days this week, you’ll be eligible for the first, big bonus prize: a Hearts on Fire “Beloved” diamond necklace, valued at $5,500 from Bremer Jewelry.

Tuesday and Wednesday, you can also watch and buy tickets through the WEEK 25 sell-a-thon. Get more info at their Facebook page HERE.
The St. Jude cause is so noble. No St. Jude family ever has to pay for anything that insurance doesn’t cover. No bills for treatment, travel, housing or food. And the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis and its Peoria center operate solely on donations from people like your and me. Make a difference in the fight against childhood cancer by purchasing your raffle ticket now, from the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway and your Cumulus Peoria radio partners: 95.5, GLO, 97.3 Nash FM, Peoria’s 92.3 and 105.7 the X Rocks.
Doc Watson