North Charleston
You know what they say? Tis’ the season to be buddies!!!! At least, that’s what it should say.
And if you are all about friendship and inclusion, then be a buddy December 21st for the Holiday Buddy Bar Crawl to benefit Best Buddies Illinois!
It kicks off at 11am and ends at 5pm. Short,sweet, and on Farmington Road! Plus, there are lots of hook ups.
Here is the rundown:
11a-12:30p – Country Club BBQ – Check in for wristbands (Wristband gets you shuttle access during crawl)
12:30p-2p – The Trolley – Wristbands still available
2p-3:30p – Shelton’s – Wristbands still available
3:30p-5p – Crusen’s – 50/50 raffle drawn at 4:30p
A $10 donation will get you a wristband to ride the bus and are available at each stop until we reach 200.
For the 50/50 raffle (runs 11a-4:30p), you can get 1 ticket for $5, 3 for $10, and 10 for $20!
Plus, there will be random prizes given through out the crawl! The more festive, jolly, and friendly you are, the better your odds of getting hooked up with $25 gift cards to Casey’s, Red Carpet Carwash, and more.
Holiday sweaters and onesies are strongly encouraged!
Come celebrate the holiday’s, and friendship, at the Holiday Buddy Bar Crawl to benefit Best Buddies Illinois!