I don’t know why I continue to get bags of candy for trick-or-treaters on Halloween… I NEVER get any. Okay, let’s face it, I get the bags of candy partially for myself, too… But as I’m TRYING to be good for my Riverplex Xtreme program (and, you know, just to maintain a healthier life), I REALLY was hoping for kids to demand candy! I got none… so instead of eating it ALL (I’ve eaten more than I’d like to admit), I started playing a new game yesterday: CHUCK candy at my boss.
And I’m being annoying about it, too. Like he was taking a little nap on his lunch break yesterday and I chucked candy at him.
Since I got no trick or treaters, I’m playing a new game today: throw candy at my boss when he least expects it. And by throw I REALLY mean throw 😂
He either loves me or hates me. Not sure which at the moment.
— 🎙Kristin (@RadioKristin) November 1, 2018
Today, he impressed me MOST when I happened to be filming! I was basically recording a video to get a PICTURE of the candy hitting him in action, but what I got was so much better. Without even LOOKING, he caught the candy. So now I HAVE to show the short video of it!
Okay this was just impressive! He caught it without even looking. pic.twitter.com/3GiFkUhS2w
— 🎙Kristin (@RadioKristin) November 2, 2018
This is probably the most entertaining use of my leftover candy.