Saturday June 30th, join us and families of the fallen, for the 5K Run Walk for Fallen Heroes with America’s Gold Star Families!
Patti Rios Smith, who works very closely with troops and their families in central Illinois, is the leader of America’s Gold Star Families. She was also a key player in sending Christmas stockings to our troops every year. And now, she has created a community for families of the fallen.
With Memorial Day in one week, now is a great time to show your support for our troops and their families by getting up early June 30th and joining us for the 5K Run, 1-mile Walk for Fallen Heroes.
Get more info, and sign your team up, here.
And jump on Facebook to let everyone know you are joining!
Then, join us for the 2018 Run for Fallen Heroes and celebrate those that have served our country. This will be a 5K and 1 Mile from the Gateway Building on the beautiful Peoria Riverfront. Packet pick up Friday June 29, 11am-6pm at Running Central.