From what I’ve heard, all Peoria area Starbucks are SOLD OUT of the Unicorn Frapp. They clearly underestimated how viral this drink had gone in the weeks prior to it’s release. In reading the Facebook page “Barista Life” (where I got the video below from), it seems like customers are absolutely INSANE about the drink. One commenter said a guy sat in the Drive Thru line for 12 minutes screaming at the baristas through the window saying how they were all bad at their jobs because they were out of the drink. Another said there were SO MANY customers ordering the drink and SO MANY PHONE CALLS about it that they didn’t even get the chance to begin cleaning the store until well after close and it kept them super late. But no complaint went as viral as this kid’s.
Allegedly Starbucks has reached out to him, but according to the New York Daily Times, he says he hasn’t heard from the company.