Talk with Lindsay: Kristin’s Fitness Diary

By now, you probably are aware that I’m in a program at the Riverplex called the Riverplex Reset, but it’s not just me taking classes and working with trainers! There are three teams: Jade, Maroon, and Royal Blue! Each team has a trainer and nutrition coaches specifically focused on the 6-8 people on that team!

Lindsay Campbell is on Team Royal Blue… or I like to think of them as a super-motivated-to-get-out-of-bed team because they work out at 5:30am! Lindsay says it fits into her schedule better because she has a toddler and she is in school continuing her education, not to mention she’s also getting back into being a group fitness class instructor! She’s the busy working-mom, so there’s a chance you might relate to her! Check out our conversation!
