This is freaking hysterical!
Mike Row is a Podcaster, and his friend (and co-podcaster)’s daughter is an 11-year-old Girl Scout… It’s the end of January, which means, Cookie Program has started in some parts of the country (not ours, quite yet… it looks like February 10th according to the Central IL Girl Scout website), and Girl Scouts everywhere are getting more comfortable in their skin and learning how to run their own business by asking their family members, friends, and parents’ friends if they’d like to spend $4 on a box filled with about 12 cookies.
In a letter, Charlotte, the Girl Scout in question, rated each cookie very honestly with a 1-10 rating and a description of her experience… from telling the reader not to get the Tagalogs if they don’t like peanut butter, to calling the Toffee-tastic a “bleak, flavorless, gluten-free wasteland.” Legit, this HYSTERICAL!
Now, I’m going to take a serious minute to tell you that even though $4 for 12 cookies seems like a lot, it’s obviously more of a fundraiser. From my experience last year as a Girl Scout cookie coordinator for my friend’s troop, I know that only 50 cents or so is used to pay the bakery. About 50 cents per box stays with the troop and the rest goes to the council, which may seem unfair, but the council helps provide camp for the girls and provides a lot of the supporting funds for activities, so while the troop may not see the money, they still benefit a great deal more than just the 50 cents that goes directly to them.
The troop I helped last year were in third grade, and a lot of them were very shy, so the act of selling was a huge and scary deal for them. It was exciting to watch them step out of their comfort zone at booth sales and be rewarded with a sale! I honestly loved my volunteer time, but moving away from the troop (it’s in Bloomington) made it not feasible to help this year.
I want all of those girls to watch this video, though…this bold 11-year-old heard her father mention in passing that his best friend from high school was rich, and an hour later wrote him this email, that the podcaster reads in the video below.
In case you were wondering the outcome, this video was posted on January 25th, and as of the 27th, she had sold 7,491 boxes, well surpassing her goal of 300! I’d say that’s well deserved.