You may have seen this floating around social media recently: An Oreo CANDY BAR! I thought it was fake, more satirical than reality. It’s quality, milk chocolate with layers of Oreo cream and cookies inside. Sounds… interesting, I suppose.
I was finished grocery shopping last night and headed to the check out counter when I SAW IT. A ginormous Oreo candy bar. My mouth dropped open in shock. They’re real. This is real life.
Immediately, I snatched up the candy bar and added it to my cart. We wouldn’t be a good morning show if we didn’t give you the heads up on all the trendy Oreo products!
It’s Matt approved… that’s really all you need. I am actually REALLY upset I tried this. It is TOO good. Like, I kept sneaking squares the rest of the morning. I could seriously eat this HUGE bar in one sitting, which is really bad when I’m trying to lose weight! But it’s SO GOOD. Buy them. Put them in the Christmas stockings. Everyone will love you. For real.
*Seriously, no affiliation with Oreo, it’s just that good we needed to share the good news. You’re welcome for the free advertising, Oreo!*