It’s the Stuff A Bus Day of Stuffing

Stuff A Bus

Picture Provided by Stuff A Bus

The 29th Annual Stuff A Bus food drive is underway! Your help is needed to stuff a City Link bus full of non perishable food items for the Peoria Friendship House, which in turn, feeds many local families in need. Please join us for a ‘day of stuffing’ this Friday at the Kroger store on Lake Avenue. Kroger has bags of items ready to buy so it’s just that easy! Join Shelly live this Friday morning from 8-10am…and if you can’t make it then the day of stuffing continues all day long with the City Link bus on location to be stuffed! For more on the Day of Stuffing click here. Please help those in need this holiday season with Stuff A Bus, and Peoria’s Country, Nash FM 97.3

