I am just so excited right now. I’m such a huge Harry Potter fan, but more than that, I’m a huge fan of makeup, too. I’m always racking up points on my Ulta account, I’m in love with my Ipsy subscription, and I really like finding new products that I’m in love with. So what happens when Harry Potter fanatic meets Makeup lover? These brushes that look like the wands from the Harry Potter movies. I am jittery with excitement just thinking about them (although, that could be the Pumpkin Spice Latte Shelly brought me earlier as a welcome back after my sick day).
Aren’t they so elegant?? This makeup company is brand new and is made up of identical triplets, and this picture has gone SO viral that their success was imminent! Check out their Instagram page to see more of what they’re up to, because it expands past just wonderful Harry Potter brushes!