It looks like most of the area communities will be trick or treating tomorrow night from 5pm till 8pm, with a few exceptions. Dunlap and Leroy will trick or treat from 5:30 till 8:30, and Glasford and Roanoake from 6pm till 8pm.
Law enforcement has of course issued their standard warnings for tomorrow nights festivities. Please be extra careful when driving during the trick or treating hours and keep a look out for children. Also, police encourage parents to inspect their children’s candy before they eat it. Be on the look out for razor blades, pins, and needles. Plus be looking out for Milk Duds and Tootsie Rolls that may have been tampered with and replaced with Ex-Lax. It sounds crazy, I know. But we live in a crazy world and we need to keep our kids safe.
If your kids will be trick or treating without adult supervision, there are three apps you may want to look into that let you track where your kids are.
- Family Locator – it uses GPS and has an S.O.S. button they can press if they are in danger or need help
- Red Panic Button – it’s basically like the S.O.S. button, but easier for little kids to use
- Life360 – this app allows you to set boundary limits and will alert you if they go too far away.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween! -Jim