It happens to 3 out of 5 women every Halloween, and with daylight savings time this weekend, it will happen to even more ladies this year due to the extra hour of Halloween party time. Don’t let this happen to you.
The “Halloween Walk of Shame” has happened to most of us at some point in our lives. Whether it was the result of a horrifying hook up, or the reality of driving home from the party you’re at is the worse idea ever (guilty!). The next day’s walk of shame is humiliating. It’s like you’re wearing a billboard saying, “I’m a drunken, irresponsible mess, so please leave me alone.” The humiliation is even worse if you are a woman spotted sneaking home in the “sexy cat” or, worse yet, the “Sexy Donald Trump” costume.
Thankfully, comedian Lindsay Ames has created a PSA to help ladies everywhere avoid the “Halloween Walk of Shame.” Guys, you’re not excluded from this epidemic. This could apply to you too! -Jim