In the middle of her 5 night stand at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Taylor Swift brought out special guest Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks to sing what Taylor described as, “my go-to talent show song. I’ve sung it probably 7,000 times in my life.”
We haven’t heard from Natalie and the Chicks since they were exiled from country music because of some controversial comments made towards then President Bush. But Taylor’s introduction of Natalie put into prospective the impact the Dixie Chicks made on her and country music. Swift begins her introduction, “If not for this woman and her band, I would not have known that you can be quirky, and fun, and yourself, and outspoken, and brave, and real. When I was 9 years old and got her first CD, I wouldn’t have dreamed the things that I dreamed, and I wouldn’t be standing on this stage today.”
Check out Taylor Swift and Dixie Chick, Natalie Maine. -Jim