If you’re like me you’re still saddened by the sudden announcement of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert’s divorce, but more details keep coming out about what led up to the split, and I’m in shock by the latest.
Their divorce documents were recently released by the Oklahoma Court System which verifies that Blake is the one who filed for the divorce on July 6, 2015. It cost a grand total of $193.70. But that’s not all. He also filed for an order of protection. Hmmmm!!!
Check it out for yourself: Court documents for B.T.S vs M.L.S
I know we have all heard that Miranda can be spunky and sassy, but an order of protection?? Now I’m really curious.
Maybe Blake was just nervous about her reaction to being served divorce papers. She is famous for songs like “Gunpowder and Lead” and “Crazy Ex Girlfriend”.
When it’s all said and done, it’s really none of our business what happened. It’s sad and unfortunate that they have to deal with such a painful and personal situation in front of the whole world. I wish them both peace and healing.